Haunted by Algorithms is the second part of the project Média médiums and begins with the radical de-centering of cybernetics, detailing the gradual emergence of a continuum where everything is in communication with everything. This unlimited conversation is rooted in the computer's quintessential function of reading and writing data, automating these once human activities, and by doing so, fostering an imaginary of machinic intelligence. But the cerebral promise of this general algorithmisation, as in a feedback loop, casts a new light on the cognitive potential of a large spectrum of formerly behaviorist non-human actors (animals, minerals, plants, fantoms, viruses, etc.) foreshadowing speculative assemblages and information exchanges on multiple planes and scales.
Haunted by algorithms
Recherche, exposition et publication

This dialogic free-for-all is at the heart of the Haunted by Algorithms web platform, conceived of as a large, real-time 10000 x 8000 pixel² environment where one can scroll and slide from project to project within the same continuous space without leaving or refreshing the page. While reading the 25 commissioned texts and projects by artists, historians and philosophers that make up the space, one's reading is accompanied by automatic writings, a host of bots which analyse the text, make suggestions, provide references, modify the text, tweet, and so on.

Clémentine Mercier, Ordis et mémoires fantômes, Une exposition collective montre que les algorithmes ont une vie propre et explore les liens entre la machine et le vivant, Libération, 12 février 2017
Haunted by Algorithms, site internet, Ecole Louis Lumière, Labex Arts-H2H, Paris. 2017
Haunted by Algorithms, média médiums, Espace d'exposition Ygrec, Les Grands Voisins, Bâtiment Lelong – Paris, 2017
Haunted by Algorithms, Colloque Archéologie des médias et écologie de l'attention, Cerisy, Cerisy-La-Salle. 2016
Conception:Jeff Guess and Gwenola Wagon
Programming: Jeff Guess
Graphic Design: Jérôme Saint Loubert-Bié
Automated publication: Loic Horellou
Iconography: Lou-Maria Le Brusq
A Constructed World : Seminar + Performance
Romain Best : Furniture
Jean-Louis Boissier : Exhibition
Angélique Buisson : Publication
Pierre Cassou-Noguès : Discussion + Publication
Astrid de la Chapelle : Exhibition
Antoine Chapon : Exhibition + Publication
Yves Citton : Publication
Stéphane Degoutin : Exhibition + Publication + Scenography
Vinciane Despret : Lecture + Discussion +
Frédéric Dumond : Publication
fleuryfontaine : Exhibition + Publication
Nicolas Gourault : Exposition + Publication
Fabien Giraud : Seminar
Nicolas Giret : Exhibition + Seminar
Emmanuel Guez : Publication
Martin Howse : Exhibition + Performance + Publication
Jean-Noël Lafargue : Publication
Lou-Maria Le Brusq : Exhibition + Iconography + Publication
Marie Lechner : Publication + Seminar
Dominique Lestel : Seminar
Nicolas Maigret : Exhibition + Performance + Publication
Antony Masure : Publication
Arnaud Mirman : Exhibition
Clara Pacotte : Exhibition
Olivier Perriquet : Exhibition
Julien Prévieux : Discussion
Sébastien Rémy : Exhibition
rybn.org : Exhibition + Performance + Publication
Emanuele Quinz : Publication
Maria Roszkowska : Exhibition + Performance + Publication
Jeffrey Sconce : Publication
Clémence Seurat : Discussion
Gauthier Tassart : Exhibition + Concert
Noah Teichner : Publication
Suzanne Treister : Publication
Gwenola Wagon : Curator + Exhibition + Publication
Anne Zeitz : Publication