Everything is Real

Stéphane Degoutin and Gwenola Wagon

Video installation and website


Everything is Real shows the reddest apples, the greenest call centers, the server rooms with the most cables, the smiliest employees, the delivery drivers with their most beautiful parcels, the most efficient volunteers, the biggest mountains of waste - but pushes them to the extreme of stereotyping: insensitively, stereotypes go to extremes. The red apple, alone on a white background, appears in the hands of office workers who smile a little too much, then gorge themselves on apples until they sink into their own juices.

Employees celebrate their sales by throwing banknotes into the air, only to choke on them. Call center operators work in as green an environment as possible, until they fall in love with the proliferating office plants.

Volunteers clean up pollution from toxic sites until the beach sand turns green too. The Earth is an object to be grasped, loved, protected and cherished, until it's trashed on a mountain of garbage. Demonstrators hold up empty placards in different locations, then the world surrounding their struggle gradually disappears. Signs call for a return to reality: “I am real”, “We are real”, “We are in reality”, “Everything is real”.

Everything is Real explores the biases of AI. But these biases don't come out of nowhere. They come from the images that serve as food for AIs, and one of the most important sources of food are images from image banks and micro-stocks like Shutterstock or Getty Images.

"Machina Sapiens" exhibition, Conciergerie, Paris, 2025. Franck Bauchard, curator


Everything is Real, installation dans l'exposition Machina Sapiens, : un parcours artistique, Création et IA, exposition et médiation, La Conciergerie, Paris 8 et 9 février 2025. Commissaire : Franck Bauchard.


Graphic design and development : Raphaël Bastide