Telegraphy, ghosts, computer networks, materializations, mesmerism, spirit telegraphy, clairvoyance, television, ectoplasms, electronic voice phenomena, telephony, suggestion, extraterrestrials, aether and fluids, radio, mind reading, cybernetics, telepathy, cryptography… The research project Média médiums is an exploration into a wide range of experiences, practices and dispositifs related to the archeology and prospective futures of various communication technologies and their historical relationship to what are considered to be more occult phenomena.
An exhibition was organized at the Ygrec gallery (Paris, april-juin 2014) which presented a selection of works in dialogue with archives, histories, protocols and devices linked to the possibility of transporting thought and intelligence at a distance.
Public events consisting of lectures, performances, discussions and concerts accompanied the exhibition. A public seminar, lectures and discussions on the history of telecommunications and spirit phenomena, brought together students from the classes “Communication Protocols : Technology and the Spirit World” (Jeff Guess, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts Paris-Cergy) and "Histoires de Fantômes et de Machines” (Gwenola Wagon, Université de Paris 8). Both the seminar and the events are available as podcasts.