« Stéphane Degoutin and Gwenola Wagon are Internet ragpickers, Facteur Cheval of found footage, who conduct investigations by delving into the space of hyperinformation, telling post-Cybernetic fables and tinkering with alternative lifestyles, in the form of films, books and installations. »
– Clémence Seurat
stephane (@) nogoland (.) com
gwenolawagon (@) icloud (.) com
They fight against mankind's planned obsolescence (Cyborgs in the Mist), denounce the automation of the processing of products, life and data (Erewhon, The World as an Automated Warehouse, Stockorama), ask researchers to live in the forest, naked but connected to the network (World Brain), experiment alternative lifestyles in the society of hyper-information (Controlled Schizophrenia Laboratory), investigate the Umwelt of the Internet (Globodrome, Society as Cloud, Telepathic Mice, Haunted by algorithms), collect viral images of the society of trash (Dance Party in Iraq), explore the mythology of the international airport (Psychoanalysis of the International Airport, Terrorism Museum), organize burn-out parties (Neoteny Institute for the End of Work, Work Theme Park La Défense), promote inter-species love (Cat Loves Pig, What does it feel like to be a firefly ?), capture the vital energy that circulates through artificial mountains (A Visual History of Artificial Mountains), drift with counter-used geolocation technologies (Moillesulaz Full Scale, Random GPS), build habitable miniature paradises (Emma, Umwelt, Eden, On and On), analyze the city after the public space (Voluntary Prisoners of the American Dream, After Vegas), hijack a search engine (What Are You ?, Googlehouse), invent utopias for outlying areas (Hypnorama, Vincennes Zoo Research Lab, Utopia Factory Abraxas, Sex Park), survey the virtual globe (Globodrome, Blackpool-Manchester), roam the Parisian suburbs (Postcards from the Paris Suburbs, Lost in Créteil), wander through concrete islands (La Défense Endless Tour, Voyage immobile).
They work alone, together or with other persons : Méryll Ampe, Raphaël Bastide, Laurence Bonvin, Pierre Cassou-Noguès, Lou Delamare, Marika Dermineur, Louise Drulhe, Julien Imbert, Nuno Da Luz, Agathe Joubert, Jeff Guess, Alex Knapp, Elie Kongs, Judith Lavagna, Nicolas Maisonneuve, Lola Perez-Guettier, Olivier Peyricot, Aniara Rodado, Clémence Seurat, Matthias Stevens, Geoffroy Wagon.
Graphic design and developpement: Raphaël Bastide et Louise Drulhe
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